Why Coaching

A Health Coach supports and guides you towards a healthier lifestyle, so you can live to your full personal potential. A good coach will motivate and inspire you to make lifestyle changes, which will turn into sustainable healthy habits.

Health coaching is used to prevent lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and insulin resistance from developing. It can also help clients who are living with these diseases to minimise their impact and retain quality of life. Additionally, health coaching is a proven method of achieving and sustaining a healthy weight.

Working with a health coach, clients will gain knowledge and skills in up to date nutrition, exercise, rest, how to look after themselves and how to be able to build their own sustainable healthy lifestyle. Health coaching actively helps change behaviours and habits which people have gotten used to.

Who can benefit from health coaching?

  • Anyone that would like to improve their general health and well-being
  • Anybody that would like to get to a healthy sustainable body weight and is interested in the latest science and research based lifestyle medicine
  • Anyone with existing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure or is insulin resistant
  • Anybody that is interested in preventing lifestyle diseases
  • Anybody that needs support and help with fitness and exercise, making good habits and setting goals
  • Anybody that needs support and knowledge in behaviour and habit changes and how to set smart goals to gain self-care habits